Jigloo Plugin For Eclipse
I am currently struggling with getting the Perforce plugin to work properly in eclipse. Despite the fact that I have checked out a file I cannot actually edit it (typing has no effect) - the file seems to stay read-only.
Jigloo Plugin For Eclipse
When I try to edit a file that isn't checked out the perforce plugin does check it out automatically - however I still can't actually edit it. Restarting eclipse doesn't help. I've tried this with both eclipse Kepler and Luna, with identical results.
well check out the eclipse distro easyeclipse at EasyEclipse. it has Visual editor project already added as a plugin, so no hassles of eclipse version compatibility.Plus the eclipse help section has a tutorial on VE.
Finally, beaninfo.jar file can included in the IDE to create a components palette; this facilitates UI components creation, by using the UI designer of the IDE. Currently three IDEs have been tested with OpenSwing components and are full compatibile with UI designing: NetBeans 4.1/5.x/6 b1, JBuilder 8/9/X/2005/2006, JDeveloper 10.1.x and Eclipse 3.x (using Window Builder plugin or Jigloo plugin).
Eclipse's Visual Editor is not able to correctly render all OpenSwing graphics controls, because of it does not fully support Java Beans specifications. You can use Eclipse and OpenSwing only if you include an Eclipse plugin that fully support Java Beans specifications. A good (non free) plugin for Eclipse 3.x is Window Builder - Swing Designer Another plugin for Eclipse 3.x is Jigloo, that it is distributed in dual licence: free for non commercial use and a commercial use licence. When creating a project inside Eclipse, you have to include OpenSwing library to the project; to do that you should: select " Window" from menu bar -> "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Build Path" -> "User Libraries"
press "New" button to create a libreary: name it for instance "OpenSwing"
press "Add JARs" to add all OpenSwing libraries (included in "build" folder of OpenSwing distribution)
After doing these steps, you can include the library just created to the specified project:
After installing "Window Builder - Swing Designer" (see Swing Designer installation instructions), you can create JFrame, JPanel and many other Swing components by: selecting "File" from menu bar
selecting "New" -> "Other" menu items
expanding "Designer" -> "Swing" folders
selecting a Swing components, e.g. JFrame and creating a class
At this point "Swing Designer" plugin will open the class with two alternative views: "Source" and "Design". When switching to "Design" view, it is available a Component Palette. Inside this Component Palette it is possible to include all OpenSwing components, through the following steps: click with the right mouse button inside the Palette
select "Palette Manager" in the popup menu just Viewed
press "Add Category" button and specify a category name, such as "OpenSwing" and press "Ok" button
select the category just created and press "Add from Archive" button
in the "Archive" input field specify the absolute path to the "lib/BeanInfo.jar" file included in the OpenSwing distribution and press ENTER
when the "Select All" button becomes enabled, press it and press "Ok" button to confirm all OpenSwing components
finally press "Ok": at this point the OpenSwing palette will be visible in the Component Palette
Note: if OpenSwing components are not visible inside the new category, close Eclipse and restart it.
After installing "Jigloo" (see Jigloo plugin installation instructions), you can create JFrame, JPanel and many other Swing components by: selecting "File" from menu bar
selecting "New" -> "Other" menu items
expanding "Designer" -> "Swing" folders
selecting a Swing components, e.g. JFrame and creating a class
At this point "Jigloo" plugin will open the class with two alternative views: GUI/Java editors. When GUI editor is visible, it is available a Component Palette. Inside this Component Palette it is possible to include all OpenSwing components, through the following steps: select "Window" -> "Preferences" from Eclipse menu bar
expand "Jigloo GUI Builder" node in the menu tree
select "Component Palette/Custom classes"
press "Add (bean or palette)" button to specify a new components folder, such as "OpenSwing": press "Ok" and select it
press "Add Beans from Archive " button: this will open a jar file selection window
choose "Beaninfo.jar" file included with OpenSwing distribution and press "Ok" button
press "Ok" to confirm new components inclusion: at this point the OpenSwing palette will be visible in the Component Palette
Step 1: Open Eclipse, Make sure all the open projects are closedStep 2: Select the Help Menu --> Select the " Install new Software " and type in the following link in the " Work with " fieldKepler - (Note : Depending on the version of eclipse use the link - when you type in the link it gets autocompleted for the version of eclipse you are using. This sample installation is on Eclipse Kepler (4.3 version)).Step 3: Select the " General purpose tools " by expanding it.Step 4: From the options under the " General purpose tools " select the item show in the screenshot and click on the next button.Step 5: Click on the next button and the review items to be installed window will be displayedClick on the next button Step 6: Select on the " I agree to terms of the license agreement " radio button and click on the finish radio button.Click on the Finish buttonStep 7: Restart eclipse once installation is complete by selecting yes in the following window.Step 8: To verify that installation is complete select the new visual class option you can see options Swing and SWT
Since then he has been involved in software projects in many different fields, forming his own company (Cloudgarden Software) in 2006 with products such as a library that implemented the Java Speech API and a GUI builder plugin for Eclipse (named Jigloo). Most projects involved databases and user interfaces on platforms from desktop, to web and mobile.
Your programming language and application needs will determine the bestEclipse configuration for you.It is usually a good idea to install only what you need. Installing extra plugins and features will make updates much slower,and makes Eclipse start slower (but you can modify the start up configurationin the General Preferences dialog).The links change from one version of Eclipse to another, so ignore the hyperlinks here.Compare Eclipse Packages ateclipse.org.
Picking the Right Eclipse Distribution for You at IBMdescribes 3rd party (free) Eclipse distros,such as EasyEclipse, IBM Eclipse.Eclipse Plugin Centrallists most Eclipse Plugins.You can see ratings and activity. Some "top rated" plugins are dead projects.
How I Configure EclipseI use last year's version of Eclipse until at least the first service release (SR1)is released for the new version. Usually there are two SR per year.